Blister adheres on tool | PVdC sticks | reduce PVdC temperature and increase opposite side |
| tool too hot | reduce temperature |
| edges of moulding too sharp | replace or adjust moulding |
| material too hot | reduce temperature |
Wrinkling in blister | tool or material too hot | use cooling or reduce temperature |
| bad tooling construction | optimize or replace tooling |
Missing contact | leaking forming tool | check position |
Material clustering in transverse direction | temperature of material too high | reduce temperature |
| surface of tool too smooth | sandblast surface |
| vacuum too slow | increase vacuum speed |
| wrong assembly of vacuum holes | optimize/change assembly |
Material tears during thermoforming | material too hot | reduce temperature |
| material not thick enough | measure thickness and if necessary switch to other film |
| forming tool too cold | reduce cooling |
| material too cold | increase temperature |
| compressed air/vacuum too early | adjust timing |
| pressure/speed of stamp too high | adjust pressure/speed of stamp |
Material breaks/tears on the bottom of the cavity | material too hot | reduce temperature |
| very deep cavity | use a forming plug or thicker material |
| inclusions in cavity | contact manufacturer of material |
| uneven material thickness | thickness profile |
Holes in blister | contaminated material | check material specification |
| vacuum holes too big | minimize vacuum holes |
| material temperature too low | increase temperature |
| clock cycle too short | increase clock cycle |
| ventilation does not work properly when plug moves into the cavity | check ventilation |
| material sticks on tool | change material / use mould with Teflon® coated surface |
| irregular heating | check heating cystem and change defect parts of heating system |
| vacuum / pressure timing not optimized | cdjust vacuum and pressure onset / duration |
Part deforms during demoulding | material ejected too hot | increase cooling time |
| tool too hot | reduce tool temperature (cooling) |
Parts in the corners too thin | material temperature too high | reduce temperature |
| radius of the mould too small | increase radius |
| tool too hot | reduce temperature |
| flanks too flat | redesign part |
Bad forming | material temperature too low | increase temperature |
| tool too cold | reduce cooling |
| to short cycle time | optimise / extend cycle time |
| vacuum not sufficient | increase vacuum openings and control vacuum feed |
| insufficient sealing of tool | check sealing ring; check flatness of plates |
| air trapped between cavity and plastic | check number and arrangement of vacuum holes |
| forming pressure too low | increase pressure |
Marks on bottom of formed part | material temperature too high | reduce temperature |
| insufficient pre-heating | extend / optimise pre-heat zone |
| insufficient exhaust holes | enlarge or increase number of holes |
| insufficient vacuum forming | increase vacuum |
Irregular edge width of the formed area | material temperature too high | reduce temperature |
| material shrinkage is too high | replace material |
| pre-stretching is too early | adjust rhythm |
| forming table goes up too quickly | adjust speed |
| vacuum forming too early | adjust vacuum forming |
| material temperature too high | reduce temperature |
| forming tool is not sealed | check flatness |
Surface of formed area | contaminated material | replace material |
| contact heating plates are dirty | clean or replace plates |
| punch has surface defects | clean/polish surface or replace punch |
| forming part is dirty | clean forming part |
| material has inclusions | check inclusions and eventually contact supplier |
| punch surface is rough | clean/polish surface |